maandag 14 juni 2010

Freedom Writers

Ok, so, last Sunday was really great. Talked to a lot of people, from a lot of different cultures. Made a few friends; little kids with an age of 10, i guess. Had some matches with them, football matches, and other little games. They thanked me at the end of the day. Just for the idea that i was having fĂșn with them. I felt so grateful, they gave me this awesome feeling.
This is another example from making this change, with doing those tiny little things.
We were supposed to promote Unicef, but we did so much more. Again, it was really great.

Right now, I'm watching this movie, Freedom Writers with Hillary Swank.
Didn't knew this movie existed. Well, I'm a fan from now on. Ok, fan is a big word. But I'm sure gonna read the book The Freedom Writers Dairy. I recommend it to you, people. It gives an example of how the real life in some neighborhood's or even city's is. How people from different race's live together. How the Nazi-perspective seems to be just the same as those 'whites' have. A movie who gets you thinking about your own life. Right now, I'm totally grateful for having my life. You should all be.

Respect each other.

zaterdag 12 juni 2010


What about today?

Volunteering for Unicef.
Today I will help Unicef with inform people about their actions.
What they do in the third world, and what you as one person can do to make just this little change.
In my opinion every single person can do something for others.
And no, i'm not a activist. I still have enough respect for the ones who don't care about the third world, and people who don't have enough money to live life the fullest.
Just think about someone else, for one time.

Have a great day:)

Well hello,

Why i made this blog??

Well, actually, i don't know.
I think i made it because i want to share my thoughts about the world with others. With others, people who are not related to me.
I hope you'll enjoy my blog,
and i sure hope you'll share your opinion about this 'thing' with me.
